Key Publications


Zilles K, Palomero-Gallagher N (2017)

Multiple transmitter receptors in regions and layers of the human cerebral cortex

Frontiers in Neuroanatomy 11:78

Amunts K, Zilles K. (2015)

Architectonic Mapping of the Human Brain beyond Brodmann

Neuron 88: 1086-1107

Amunts K, Lepage C, Borgeat L, Mohlberg H, Dickscheid T, Rousseau ME, Bludau S, Bazin PL, Lewis LB, Oros-Peusquens AM, Shah NJ, Lippert T, Zilles K, Evans AC (2013)

BigBrain: An ultrahigh-resolution 3D human brain model

Science, 340(6139): 1472-1475

Palomero-Gallagher N, Schleicher A, Bidmon HJ, Pannek HW, Hans V, Gorji A, Speckmann EJ, Zilles K (2012)

Multi-receptor analysis in human neocortex reveals complex alterations of receptor ligand binding in focal epilepsies

Epilepsia 53: 1987-1997

Axer M, Amunts K, Grässel D, Palm C, Dammers J, Axer H, Pietrzyk U, Zilles K (2011)

A novel approach to the human connectome: ultra-high resolution mapping of fiber tracts in the brain

NeuroImage 54, 1091 - 1101

Axer M, Graessel D, Kleiner M, Dammers J, Dickscheid T, Reckfort J, Huetz T, Eiben B, Pietrzyk U, Zilles K, Amunts K (2011)

High-resolution fiber tract reconstruction in the human brain by means of the three-dimensional polarized light imaging (3D-PLI)

Frontiers in Neuroinformatics 5, 1-13

Zilles K, Amunts K (2010)

Centenary of Brodmann's map--conception and fate

Nat Rev Neurosci. 2010 Feb;11(2):139-45. doi: 10.1038/nrn2776. Epub 2010 Jan 4. PMID: 20046193.

Zilles K, Amunts K (2009)

Receptor mapping: architecture of the human cerebral cortex

Current Opinion in Neurology 22(4): 331-339

Amunts K, Schleicher A, Zilles K. (2007)

Cytoarchitecture of the cerebral cortex--more than localization

Neuroimage 37: 1061-1065

Eickhoff SB, Stephan KE, Mohlberg H, Grefkes C, Fink GR, Amunts K, Zilles K. (2005)

A new SPM toolbox for combining probabilistic cytoarchitectonic maps and functional imaging data

NeuroImage 25: 1325-1335

Zilles K, Palomero-Gallagher N, Grefkes C, Scheperjans F, Boy C, Amunts K, Schleicher A (2002)

Architectonics of the human cerebral cortex and transmitter receptor fingerprints: reconciling functional neuroanatomy and neurochemistry

Eur Neuropsychopharmacol. 12(6): 587-99

Zilles K, Palomero-Gallagher N, Grefkes C, Scheperjans F, Boy C, Amunts K, Schleicher A (2001)

Cyto-, myelo-, and receptor architectonics of the human parietal cortex

NeuroImage 14: 8-20

Full List of Publications

View full list of publications on the website of the Institute of Neuroscience and Medicine (INM-1).