Frontiers in Neuroimaging, 3: 1339244
Anatomia, 3(2): 68 - 92.
Progress in neurobiology, 239: 102633
frontiers in Neuroanatomy, 18: 1331305
Brain structure & function, 228(5): 1041 - 1044
Brain Structure & Function, 228: 57-61
Elife, 12: e82850
frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 17: 1087026
Biological Psychiatry, 93:471-479
Neuroimage, 273: 120095
eNeuro, ENEURO.0316-0321.2022
Frontiers in Neuroanatomy, 16: 915877
Brain Structure & Function, 227: 1331-1345
Frontiers in Neuroanatomy, 16: 837485
Neuroimage, 260: 119453
Cortex 153: 235-256
NeuroImage 240: 118327 (2021), ISSN 1053-8119, doi
Brain Structure & Function, 227: 1439-1455
Medical Image Analysis, 77: 102371
Neuroimage, 257: 119286
View full list of publications on the website of the Institute of Neuroscience and Medicine (INM-1).